
According to the International Diabetic Federation (IDF) Atlas, 10th edition, in 2021, 537 million adults(20-79 years) were living with diabetes. The number predicted for 2030 is 643 million, and for the year 2045, it will rise to 783 million. Do you want to be one among them?

If your answer is an emphatic ‘No’, read this book and follow the guidelines provided by me and the IDF. Then, change your lifestyle and food habits before it is too late. My book reveals the follies made by me to get obese and diabetic. 


If you already have diabetes, do you want to know how I managed my diabetes without medicine for the past five years?

Then read my success story.

Are your sugar levels high? Are you on insulin? Are you suffering from any complications as an outcome of diabetes?

The diets I did can help you overcome all the above complications. It would help if you had the determination and inclination to follow them. My diets helped me understand the basics of nutrition, the causes of diabetes and the requisites needed to keep sugar
levels from rising. 


Find out what foods will keep your sugar levels low, what foods trigger diabetes, what quantity a diabetic person should consume, and how much exercise you need! Also, find out how to maintain your HBA1C levels at 5 and 6! 


I have also given a glycemic index chart with the approximate glycemic indexes of most
foods we eat. So you can formulate your diet too.

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About Author

According to the International Diabetic Federation (IDF) Atlas, 10th edition, in 2021, 537 million adults(20-79 years) were living with diabetes. The number predicted for 2030 is 643 million, and for the year 2045, it will rise to 783 million. Do you want to be one among them? If your answer is an emphatic ‘No’, read…