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  • Lord Krishna, particularly emerged as an elusive muse to form many of these poems. Growing up, my journey with Lord Krishna was shaped by many of his stories. Narratives heard, read, and watched. The tales of his childhood antics in Vrindavan, the enchanting melody of his flute, and his influential teachings in the Bhagavad Gita formed the backbone of my spiritual upbringing.However, getting to know about these colourful tales, I realised there was a gap. It was a space between the narrative and a personal connection. I had absorbed the stories and marveled at the miracles, but Krishna remained a distant figure for me.But his playfulness and mysterious nature made me wonder. Such a connection that seemed as if it existed once, but not anymore. My way to truly understand this celestial being, began with the essence of love and longing tied with his Vedantic narratives, which later became a persistent journey.For me, understanding Krishna was simply through the lens of a normal being, where I can talk to him as if I were a part of the cowherd, but by using poetry. And thus, I began to write.Krishna has remained central to classical Bhakti poetry for centuries, and I have made a humble attempt at continuing this tradition to preserve its legacy in today's vast poetic landscape. This choice is a way to reflect a commitment to honour the spiritual complexity found in traditional Bhakti literature, distinguishing my work from the often divergent styles and themes prevalent in modern poetry.Krishna is revered as a divine figure in Hinduism, often depicted as the supreme God in various traditions. His personality embodies different aspects of divinity, including love, compassion, wisdom, and playfulness. This makes him a versatile and relatable figure for poets to explore in their verses. Moreover, Krishna's teachings in the Bhagavad Gita, where he imparts wisdom to Arjuna on duty, righteousness, and the nature of existence, serve as a philosophical foundation for many Bhakti poets. His message of love, detachment, and surrender to the divine relates deeply to Bhakti poetry. Additionally, such poetry involving devotion to Krishna symbolises the unity of the individual soul (jiva) with the supreme soul (Paramatma). This idea of a divine love story serves as a metaphor for the soul's longing for union with the divine, which is a central theme in Bhakti literature.
    Sku: 9789356486430

    Blue Elysian : Bhakti Poetry: Ecstasy, Romance and Redemption.