- -3%Suman Gowda, a passionate writer, Actor, a documentary film maker who started her career as mainstream actor worked in south indian films alongside southindian stars like Ramesh Aravind, Ananthnag in “Re”(kannada movie) directed by Director Sunil kumar Desai. She was appreciated for her role as Psychiatrist in a karnataka State Award winning movie “Manamanthana” directed by Suresh heblikar produced by Manasa Arts Dr Ashok Pai, Later she went on to play important role in Yograj Bhat production “Parapancha” directed by Ad film maker Krish joshi. She continued her passion for writing and directing Corporate films, Government documentary films and Health documentary films for National institute of mental health and Neuro sciences (NIMHANS ) Bangalore.
SHADES: Suman Gowda Writings
Estimated delivery on 10 - 16 January