- -12%रूमी का स्थान सूफ़ीवाद की दुनिया में इतना ऊँचा है कि इससे जुड़ी कोई भी किताब रूमी के ज़िक्र के बिना नहीं होगी। रूमी को इस दुनिया में आए आठ सौ साल बीत चुके हैं। बदलाव का सिलसिला जारी है लेकिन इस बीच रूमी का चिराग़ न सिर्फ जलता रहा बल्कि दुनिया के कोने-कोने को रौशन करता रहा। भारत की धरती ने रूमी को जिस आदर और श्रद्धा से अपनाया, उसकी मिसाल हमें कहीं और नहीं मिलती। हक़ीकत यह है कि आज रूमी का असर एशिया से बाहर यूरोप और अमेरिका में दिख रहा है और किसी भी दूसरे शायर से अधिक लोग रूमी के कलाम को पढ़ना पसन्द कर रहे हैं। रूमी की दुनिया इतनी रंग- बिरंगी और दिलकश है कि जो इसमें आया, यहीं का होकर रह गया।
Rumi: Rooh-e-Kainat
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -12%Anish Sarkar is a part-time author and full-time corporate slave. Dead by Design is his third novel. His interests include travelling, cricket, wildlife and music. Anish lives in Mumbai but escapes to his home in Coonoor whenever he can.
Dead by Design
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -12%Don Jose Ruiz was born in Mexico City, Mexico, and raised in Tijuana, Mexico. From a very young age, Jose was guided by many teachers in his life, including his mother, Maria; his father, don Miguel; and his grandmother, Sarita. As a nagual (the Nahuatl word for shaman), Jose brings new insights to the ancient wisdom of his family, translating it into practical, everyday concepts that promote transformation through truth, love, and common sense. Jose has dedicated his life to sharing this Toltec wisdom and travels the world helping others find their own personal truth. In addition to The Wisdom of the Shamans, don Jose Ruiz is the co-author of The Fifth Agreement, which he wrote in collaboration with his father, don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements.
The Wisdom of Shamans
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -28%Elizabeth grew up hearing the tale of her grandfather, Antonio Gonzalez, the real El Tragabalas. She has taken dramatic license with actual events in her novel, but there is a basis of fact to the story - for example, Gonzalez was indeed shot in the face by the Texas Rangers - that has also provided the basis for other dramatic interpretations over time. Elizabeth's cousin, the Mexican movie star, Lalo Gonzalez, made a comedy about El Tragabalas in 1966, and well-known Texas folklorist, Jovita Gonzalez, produced a short story in 1935 riffing on the same legend.Now the interviews editor at The Rumpus, Elizabeth's stories and essays have appeared in The Idaho Review, The Rumpus, Ploughshares, PANK, and elsewhere, and have received numerous Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominations. Her first novel, Mona at Sea, was a finalist in the 2019 SFWP Literary Awards judged by Carmen Maria Machado, and was named a 'Most Anticipated' book by The Millions, The Rumpus, and other publications, with Elizabeth appearing on NPR's Weekend Edition.
The Bullet Swallower
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -30%
Hunt for the Mysterious Eye
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -5%AJ is an avid researcher with a deep interest in theology, metaphysics, behavioral psychology, and Carl Jung's psychological theories. AJ channels his extensive knowledge into crafting captivating fictional stories, weaving complex themes into his books. His unique blend of academic research and creative storytelling captivates readers, making his work a profound exploration of the human experience.
National Highway½: an unsolvable question, with an unpredictable answer
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -27%
A Murderous Plot : The Bookstore Mystery Series
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -27%
Breaking the Dark
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -27%
Message Deleted
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -27%
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -27%
What Have You Done?
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -27%
The Suspect
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -27%
Like Mother, Like Daughter
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January - -27%
Death at the Chateau
Estimated delivery on 14 - 20 January