
True to the title ìIs career a choiceíí the book brings out astrological outlook in the field of various professions. There is a distinct attempt to bring a balance of concepts, rules, excerpts from classical texts and live examples into the soul of this book. The emphasis on career outlook deals only with discussions on major professions and also popular ones. The book shares the practical aspects of predicting ones careers with tools of vedic astrology. Emphasis on Varga charts , Asthakavarga, Planetary combinations and timing of events are spread over the entire book.This work is a product of little research presented in a language which will be easily understandable by an average reader. Care is taken to analyse horoscopes which have relevance only to the subject. The book analyses the various combinations present in high profile horoscopes. There aren’t much contemporary work in the area of career and astrological outlook and this book may fill the void.Every student of astrology can thoroughly enjoy the book.

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True to the title ìIs career a choiceíí the book brings out astrological outlook in the field of various professions. There is a distinct attempt to bring a balance of concepts, rules, excerpts from classical texts and live examples into the soul of this book. The emphasis on career outlook deals only with discussions on…