
Platelets can play a crucial role in regenerative therapy as they are reservoirs of growth factors and cytokines which are the key factors for regeneration for bone and maturation of the soft tissue. Platelet concentrates have been used in medicine for over 20 years now, but the last 5 years have witnessed an explosion in research on platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) because of its ability to promote healing of both bone and soft tissue. Platelet rich fibrin (PRF) has been referred to as a second generation platelet concentrate, which has several advantages over traditionally prepared PRP. Platelet rich fibrin (PRF) is autologous platelet concentrates prepared from patient’s own blood. It is a natural fibrin based biomaterial prepared from an anticoagulant free blood harvest without any artificial biochemical modification that allows obtaining fibrin membranes enriched with platelets and growth factors. The slow polymerization during centrifugation and fibrin based structure makes PRF a better healing biomaterial than PRP and other fibrin adhesives. This book explores the biology of PRF and then demonstrates its myriad clinical applications in periodontology, implant dentistry.

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Platelets can play a crucial role in regenerative therapy as they are reservoirs of growth factors and cytokines which are the key factors for regeneration for bone and maturation of the soft tissue. Platelet concentrates have been used in medicine for over 20 years now, but the last 5 years have witnessed an explosion in…