
Kaizen, a production term, often used in operations and productions for ‘continuous improvement’ of the processes, methods or procedures. Kaizen can also be used in behavior which means continues improvement in behavior. The book describes about the term Kaizen which can be used as continuous improvement in behavior with training and development intervention with reference to Aviation industry. Behavior plays a vital role in Aviation industry for crew members on board or off board and even to the customers who are travelling. The book also highlights the behavior of airhostesses/crew members before and after certain experience and their way of handling customers. The book also covers the latest development in training and development which describes the various methods of training and development. It contains pre and post training behavior, a comparison between pre and post and measures to improve the behavior after training.

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Kaizen, a production term, often used in operations and productions for ‚Äòcontinuous improvement‚Äô of the processes, methods or procedures. Kaizen can also be used in behavior which means continues improvement in behavior. The book describes about the term Kaizen which can be used as continuous improvement in behavior with training and development intervention with reference…