
This book primarily focuses on things one should give priority to making their life better socially and financially. Success is never an overnight thing; It needs persistence, discipline, consistency, and willpower. This manuscript will help you in your journey to a better tomorrow. During these times, many young generations fall into the trap of drug abuse, social media addiction, and wasting time on less important things. They value instant gratification over the beauty of life. This manuscript focuses on the importance of leading a better life for yourself, society, and the nation. There is a far higher high in life than these addictions. Financial disciplines need prioritization in our educational system. The system is still backdated, teaching all those things that might not be valuable going ahead in life. Plan your life goals and work hard for them; The one who understands them and follows them leads a better life. Capital and financial markets are here to help accumulate wealth for everyone and a pathway to attain financial freedom. This book goes through the concepts of investing and trading in stock markets and shares some backtested strategies for traders. Log on to to learn more.

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This book primarily focuses on things one should give priority to making their life better socially and financially. Success is never an overnight thing; It needs persistence, discipline, consistency, and willpower. This manuscript will help you in your journey to a better tomorrow. During these times, many young generations fall into the trap of drug…