
This work is divided into two volumes. The first volume deals with epochal changes which transformed the destiny of the Hindu civilization forever beginning with the downfall of Hindu India. This gory period has been vividly presented in a separate chapter in Volume 1. Prior to the recurrent Muslim invasions, India has always had a virile democratic construct epitomized by the structures of its society and polity. Democratic construct therefore is neither new nor unknown to the Indians and is thus not a colonial import as is made out to be. Volume 1, in addition, contains a brief sketch on the philosophy of the Hindu civilization. The chapter on Hindu Nationalism highlights the need for the development of a national consciousness, a sentiment projected as a war cry by Savitri Devi. The chapter on Tamil nationalism chronicles the evolution of the Dravidian movement which was heavily sponsored by the British colonial system and Christian missionaries. By the time this parochially divisive movement had taken roots, there was a period which saw frenetic proselytizing activities of the Christian missionaries. It must be said to the credit of the colonials that they, in all fairness, allowed for both a physical and ideological battle to be waged by the Hindus. The Hindus could even physically protest and disrupt conversion conventions which in independent India would invite judicial and police intervention accompanied by worldwide condemnation. The Hindus fought back vigorously and won the first battle against religious conversion in India. But this wasn’t the only challenge that the Hindus had to contend with. Vicarious Saivite movement began rearing their ugly heads, advanced by Saivite religious preachers and scholars educated in Christian institutions. Traditional Shivite leaders fought and won this battle as well even when putting up a spirited defense against another much disliked sect advancing the Neo Vedantic philosophy of Vivekananda.

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About Author

Dr K. V. Sangameswaran is a Radiologist by training. A graduate of the Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, India, he has served as a clinical Radiologist for over three decades in various service hospitals around the country. Post retirement from the Armed Forces Medical Services, he entered the hallowed portals of Academia as a teacher…




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