
This work is divided into two volumes. 
Volume 2, in its earlier chapters, delves into the tumultuous and momentous period of the freedom struggle. The chapter on Indology and the one dealing with the clash with Western civilization, highlight the encroachments into the Hindu sacred space by Christian ideology providing the basis for further sectarian conflicts in the attempts by the latter to Christianize the whole of India. The two volumes have been further sub-divided into various periods which the author prefers to address as Epochs since each of these resulted in transformational changes to Hindu society, not all of them advantageous to it. There were and are historians who regard the British conquest not as detrimental to Indian interests but as one which extracted Hindu India from a period in her history which saw chaos following the demise of the Moghul empire. By this period, the concept of governments formation in India based on religious and spiritual principles saw its tragic demise. All in all, the work in its entirety, is an attempt at resurrecting the thoughts and teachings of many European and Indian philosophers belonging to the early part of the previous century, the former who were charitably disposed to the Hindu faith. Their writings highlighted the fact that the continued existence of the Hindu faith based on the foundational principle of Dharma was essential if mankind had to be saved from the perils of ideological violence and uncontrolled technological advances.
Furthermore, the writings of these philosophers have been presented in a manner which would seem to the reader as if they have reappeared in person.

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About Author

Dr K. V. Sangameswaran is a Radiologist by training. A graduate of the Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, India, he has served as a clinical Radiologist for over three decades in various service hospitals around the country. Post retirement from the Armed Forces Medical Services, he entered the hallowed portals of Academia as a teacher…




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