
‘Blue Bird’ is compilation that sits in the genre of alt-poetry. It puts forth 20 pieces, as a journey of a young woman stuck in a time loop. She loses her beloved to regain another, only to lose him again. She looks through memory, reality and prediction to gauge and scape objects, people, places, herself. Thinking about Yves Klein and Matisse’s blue paintings that were a consequence of cut-outs, that were a consequence of cut-outs, this publication hold on to a bright blue. It speaks of a raging grief, an ardent longing, a hallucinatory routine. None of it is a pastel blue. None of it is soaked demurely. It is all drenched in electric blue. The poems in ‘Blue Birds’ use previously spoken words as a stencil to evoke subsidiary emotions in the reader. They bring a sense of whimsy, carelessness, hosanna to the poems that are fragile, cling on to uncertainty and question honesty of time.

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‚ÄòBlue Bird‚Äô is compilation that sits in the genre of alt-poetry. It puts forth 20 pieces, as a journey of a young woman stuck in a time loop. She loses her beloved to regain another, only to lose him again. She looks through memory, reality and prediction to gauge and scape objects, people, places, herself.…