
India loves Bollywood, Movies & Drama a lot and we celebrate the so-called celebrities every day but in all of this, we often forget people around us who have devoted their lives to serve society and work for the cause which is life-changing for a lot of people. Be it in social service or national service, medical or education, agriculture, environment or art & culture we have thousands of people working hard every day to make this world better. This book is an effort to celebrate the lives of people who uplift people around them, who protect the environment, who preserve arts & culture, who fight against social taboos, who build great businesses, who bring laurels in sports, who protect our nation from enemies. They have gone all out to make things better than they received & their story deserves to reach millions of people. This book is my humble effort to contribute to the success of such people & inspire our fellow countrymen to “Celebrate The Real Celebrities”

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India loves Bollywood, Movies & Drama a lot and we celebrate the so-called celebrities every day but in all of this, we often forget people around us who have devoted their lives to serve society and work for the cause which is life-changing for a lot of people. Be it in social service or national…