
Perfect as a clinical guide or a review for oral exams, this remarkably useful resource clues you in to the most valuable pieces of information you’ll need to know to achieve the most success. You’ll appreciate the easy-to-use format of the book providing complete answers to topics in virtually every area of Non pharmacological behavior management and its application in pediatric dentistry. Beneath every behavior there is a feeling and beneath every feeling there is a need. When we meet that need rather than focusing on the behavior, we begin to deal with the cause and not the symptom. Understanding and managing a child‚Äôs behavior in the dental office is a prerequisite to delivering dental care to a pediatric patient in an effective and meaningful way.

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Perfect as a clinical guide or a review for oral exams, this remarkably useful resource clues you in to the most valuable pieces of information you’ll need to know to achieve the most success. You’ll appreciate the easy-to-use format of the book providing complete answers to topics in virtually every area of Non pharmacological behavior…