
These are the first three titles of a new series by Osho: “Insights for a new way of living.” Each volume will concentrate on one theme, as Osho develops a rich variety of reflections, parables and humorous anecdotes to illuminate the nature and importance of the subject.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the willingness to go ahead in spite of it. Osho discusses where fears originate, how to understand them, and how to find the courage to face them. The uncertainty and change in our lives which causes fear is actually a cause for celebration. Rather than trying to hang onto the familiar and the known, we can learn to see these situations as opportunities for adventure and for deepening our understanding of ourselves and of the world around us.

Additional Information
Weight0.181 kg
Dimensions8.3 × 5.5 × 0.6 in

Binding Type



About Author

These are the first three titles of a new series by Osho: “Insights for a new way of living.” Each volume will concentrate on one theme, as Osho develops a rich variety of reflections, parables and humorous anecdotes to illuminate the nature and importance of the subject. Courage is not the absence of fear, but…