With rapid technological advancement, are we heading towards a prosperous society, or ‘Human, the crowning glory of creation, is frenziedly busy digging his knell? Inspired by true life- events, the engrossing fiction Covid-666 set in India during the Pandemic points out that our priorities need to be changed, or else the day is not far off when ‘Human Beings’ will be designated as ‘the most dangerous virus on the planet, Earth! For the novel, I owe a lot to the people I met in my personal and professional life in India and America while serving the Education industry for thirty years as a Teacher, Counselor, and principal. Narrated in a lighthearted tone, the motivational novel focuses on stress management and is meant for all ages and people from all walks of life. “When things fall apart, turning our lives around a full 360 degree, we need to acknowledge that ‘something better is in store for us, she replied with an unflinching faith…..” she left the room confidently, clicking her four inches heel on the floor. Admiring her grit, resilience, and right attitude, I said RIGHT! COVID 666!
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Binding Type | Paperback |
Publishers |