
Between birth and death, there is life. This book is a collection of poems that unveil a tapestry of experiences we all go through in life, some of which make us cry, some make us happy, and others make us introspect if we are on the right path. Drawing inspiration from the Dandelion flower, which symbolizes growth, hope, and healing, this collection invites you to reimagine your perspective on pain and trauma. Explore the intertwined threads that bind us to darkness and prevent us from embracing our own inner light. These verses tell the story of real women who defeated their inner demons and made a conscious choice to heal, grow and live their best lives. Within these pages lies a choice — to rise above our struggles or remain stuck in pain and trauma. What will you choose?

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About Author

Between birth and death, there is life. This book is a collection of poems that unveil a tapestry of experiences we all go through in life, some of which make us cry, some make us happy, and others make us introspect if we are on the right path. Drawing inspiration from the Dandelion flower, which…