
Is it the world we live in or is it the life we live on, what makes us go astray from humanity. Is it the love that I needed desperately, what made me change myself too”. In a certain point in life, we wonder about it. “Deranged, Is it my mind or heart?” is a collected poetry of one liner, two liner, shoetry, short conversations, relatable open letters, poems, verse and free verse. It is a debut piece of work by the emerging author, Jude Halleluyah. He brings out the core essence of every aspect of life, love and clichéd concepts that we see around us. He illustrates what a mind of an ambiguous person thinks of this twisted world in his words. His evocative words will captivate your mind that make you picturize it in your mind. His writings make your heart feel content.

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Is it the world we live in or is it the life we live on, what makes us go astray from humanity. Is it the love that I needed desperately, what made me change myself too‚Äù. In a certain point in life, we wonder about it. ‚ÄúDeranged, Is it my mind or heart?‚Äù is a…