
Detective Raghav has a dream about a murder that is yet to happen. But is this just a dream? Or is it a premonition? While interviewing the suspects, Raghav meets a fourteen-year-old boy who claims to have similar premonitions. Does the old detective have something in common with this young boy? And who is this mysterious character named ‚ÄòBlack Genie?‚Äô Will Raghav ever solve the mystery behind the six murders at ‘The Circus of Doom‚Äô?

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Weight0.18 kg
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About Author

Detective Raghav has a dream about a murder that is yet to happen. But is this just a dream? Or is it a premonition? While interviewing the suspects, Raghav meets a fourteen-year-old boy who claims to have similar premonitions. Does the old detective have something in common with this young boy? And who is this…