Author has brilliantly edited a Dictionary of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture fine arts terms in English to Tamil.
In the context of learning English and other languages, Tamil Colloquial and written language is considered necessary for many words and phrases. This requirement is particularly applicable in the field of language and media. It is with this need in mind that this English equivalent vocabulary book has been created. In this fine arts Painting, Sculpture and Architecture three art terms are collected. This glossary contains Tamil words and phrases equivalent to English words and phrases. Earlier art terms related to painting, sculpture and architecture have been collected from dictionaries and compiled here. These words are interpreted with English words and Tamil words. The previous Painting, Sculpture and Architecture – based art terms – words are collected from dictionaries and compiled here.
This book will be helpful for everyone to know Tamil words similar to English. I hope that this Book will be useful for all Translators, Art Researchers, Art Students, Art Teachers and Media Professionals.
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