
This book is primarily intended to serve as a guide for those who are interested in social work and contemporary issues. It is also hoped that it shall provide an insight to all interested readers in one or other way. This book is in fact an outgrowth of experiences of all those authors who are in social work field form the last several years. Keeping the current times in view, the book has been prepared with objective to provide orientation about the contemporary social work debates to all the students and those who are interested in taking up social work either as academic or professional career. We hope that this effort will take the readers of this book to new and interesting topics. The strength of this book lies in its structure and language which makes it easy and accessible to all readers to understand the contemporary social issues in simple ways. There is wealth of information and examples of contemporary social issues put forward by the contributors. The book presents a close and important picture of the world we live in and would enable readers to locate and compare the most important issues which are usually considered as social work challenges.

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About Author

This book is primarily intended to serve as a guide for those who are interested in social work and contemporary issues. It is also hoped that it shall provide an insight to all interested readers in one or other way. This book is in fact an outgrowth of experiences of all those authors who are…