
“Sometimes silence was more terrible than thunders; thunders at least left trace of possible hazards and that was how we prepared our survival mode but silence escaped like a ghost spy whose perilous intentions would never be exposed until we bled through our wounds.” This is the story of Xena, an ordinary young girl whose peaceful world is shaken by numerous odds. She is flabbergasted by her surroundings; a point where reality and dreams have tricked her mercilessly. As she seeks for truth, various persons come along with her. How would she contrast friend and foe? What would Xena choose between reality and dreams? A sci-fi piece of reality, dream and simulation which will make you uncertain about the world around you.

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‚ÄúSometimes silence was more terrible than thunders; thunders at least left trace of possible hazards and that was how we prepared our survival mode but silence escaped like a ghost spy whose perilous intentions would never be exposed until we bled through our wounds.‚Äù This is the story of Xena, an ordinary young girl whose…