
Environmental concerns and energy challenges have prompted the energy and power sector to develop clean, efficient, and sustainable power for livelihood. Towards the end of the millennium, energy & power sectors became proactive with the production of alternative energy or power generation systems. There is significant demand for engineers with experience in designing and engineering alternative energy and power-generating systems. There is an even greater need today for renewable energy teaching materials that include state-of-art technology. This book has been written specifically to meet the exhaustive requirements of the engineering students who are willing the perform their research in the area of renewable energy. The book specifically focused on the fundamentals of magneto hydrodynamic generators and its prototyping to execute basic experimentations

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Environmental concerns and energy challenges have prompted the energy and power sector to develop clean, efficient, and sustainable power for livelihood. Towards the end of the millennium, energy & power sectors became proactive with the production of alternative energy or power generation systems. There is significant demand for engineers with experience in designing and engineering…