
Geriatric patients are the most important respected group of people in the society due to their experience gained with age. Age is one of the critical elements in health of the individuals, as many physiological changes deteriorate with age. Geriatric individuals may have many physiologic health related changes and increased incidence of edentulousness. So, in this book, we will deal with various geriatric concerns faced by the elderly people, physiological, pathological & psychological aspects of ageing along with the nutritional criteria and discuss about treatment modalities regarding the oral conditions in geriatric patients. As the elderly individuals are more prone to edentulous condition or nearing edentulous conditions due to bone changes in the oral cavity, various prosthodontic treatment options along with numerous alterations required in a dental set-up to accommodate the needs of an elderly individuals will be discussed. A brief note on palliative care‚Ķ‚Ķ…

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Geriatric patients are the most important respected group of people in the society due to their experience gained with age. Age is one of the critical elements in health of the individuals, as many physiological changes deteriorate with age. Geriatric individuals may have many physiologic health related changes and increased incidence of edentulousness. So, in…