
Are you eating food, or is food eating you? Have you ever wondered, after having a meal, why you feel tired and lethargic? Do you suffer from tiredness and feel dragged the whole day? If bloating, indigestion, acidity, acid reflux, and constipation are something that you know by experience, then you indeed cannot skip this book. Do you know all illnesses begins in your mind or your gut? Gut is also called your second brain for a very strong reason. Take charge of your life and learn how to influence the real boss of your health-YOUR GUT because nobody can get away without paying the price for ignoring GUT-THE REAL BOSS OF YOUR HEALTH. Grab your copy now to learn how to be in its good book. Happy Influencing!

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Are you eating food, or is food eating you? Have you ever wondered, after having a meal, why you feel tired and lethargic? Do you suffer from tiredness and feel dragged the whole day? If bloating, indigestion, acidity, acid reflux, and constipation are something that you know by experience, then you indeed cannot skip this…