
Dr. Indu Sharma assistant Professor in public-Administration Department , CDRJM college Butana Haryana. She is regular contributor to learn journals (IIPA) The Indian Institute of Public – Administration New Delhi India and is the author of more than 2 dozen research papers/ articles Etc. She attend workshop every year’s related to her subject. Dr. Indu Sharma, her qualification is B ED in English and SST, (M. ED) Master of Education, (M.A) Master of Arts in Public Adminstration (M.Phil) Master of Philosophy in Public Administration (PH.D) Doctor of Philisophy in Public Admistration. She is the author of spiritual books and spiritual articles At present she is senior faculty and teaching in Public Administration ch. Dhajja Ram Janta Mahavidyala Butana (Sonepat) Harayan

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About Author

Dr. Indu Sharma assistant Professor in public-Administration Department , CDRJM college Butana Haryana. She is regular contributor to learn journals (IIPA) The Indian Institute of Public – Administration New Delhi India and is the author of more than 2 dozen research papers/ articles Etc. She attend workshop every year’s related to her subject. Dr. Indu…