
Temptations, shortcuts, bypasses, impulses, inclinations, wolfishness, insatiability, and a whole world of false promises keep showing up. A true and balanced entrepreneur is built to withstand the weather and storm with a single-point focus on playing the game for long! Ignitions of Inspiration traces the tyrannical situations and the grit that helps tame them! This book is dedicated to the dynamic spirit of first-generation entrepreneurs, who brave the toughest of situations, traverse unknown territories fighting, surviving, and are giving their best to stay in the game. The author, Dr. Deepak Swaminathan, is a qualified and experienced many-time successful entrepreneur with a demonstrated history of building, operating, and transferring businesses in the field of Media, Technology, Wellness, Experiential Events, Designing and Animation. Deepak started his entrepreneurial journey in the late ’90s with his flagship brand Media Point, which specializes in delivering superior World Class experiential event solutions and has delivered 4000+ assignments globally. Armed with a Post Graduate Degree in Management and a Doctorate in Management Science, Deepak was quick to sense business opportunities in varied fields. With a strong knowledge of managing finances and marketing, it was a simple puzzle-solving exercise for Deepak to understand successful business models and pursue investing in those. His entrepreneurial ventures have opened up employment opportunities for numerous professionals across his businesses. High on ethics, being compassionate and being systematic in operations are hallmarks of Deepak and he firmly believes in the “Win-Win” model approach, which he religiously practices. After having built, operated, and hived off successful ventures, Deepak has recently unveiled India’s pioneering immersive Virtual platform for expos, events, employee engagements , and Weddings, which has paved the way for “PHYGITAL” experiences. With his vast experience, Deepak has put together a core business and technical team, mentored by him, which has developed the Virtual experience platform that has hosted Phygital global summits, winning accolades. Deepak is a seasoned business professional, speaker, and author who pursues his dream of mentoring start-ups. His first book The Art of Building Experiential Events won him accolades for its simple style and real- time use cases, which is today a reference book for professionals in the craft. Deepak believes that entrepreneurship is a double double-edged sword and the results are stunning if efforts and passion are smartly blended.

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Temptations, shortcuts, bypasses, impulses, inclinations, wolfishness, insatiability, and a whole world of false promises keep showing up. A true and balanced entrepreneur is built to withstand the weather and storm with a single-point focus on playing the game for long! Ignitions of Inspiration traces the tyrannical situations and the grit that helps tame them! This…




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