
‚ÄòWhy India could not defend against foreign invasions in the past centuries, is an open question on the minds of most compatriots. This book is about ‚Äòhow and why all this subjugation transpired‚Äô. The analysis begins with Volume-I and the total appraisal relating to how the ancient ‚ÄòBharata Varsha‚Äô was transmogrified into ‚ÄòHindustan‚Äô during the Medieval Period and then to ‚ÄòIndia‚Äô, is accomplished in five volumes. In Volume-II we visited the Islamic Ascension to Deccan. In Volume-III, the invasion of Mughals and the establishment of their empire were portrayed. In this Volume-IV, we examine history from mid 17th century beginning with the reign of Aurangzeb, leading to the downfall of the Mughal Empire in the 18th century. Aurangzeb is a fascinating study in leadership and its effects on all walks of life of the Mughal Empire: peace and social harmony, political stability, economic health, and the happiness and the ‘quality of human resource’ of the nation.

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‚ÄòWhy India could not defend against foreign invasions in the past centuries, is an open question on the minds of most compatriots. This book is about ‚Äòhow and why all this subjugation transpired‚Äô. The analysis begins with Volume-I and the total appraisal relating to how the ancient ‚ÄòBharata Varsha‚Äô was transmogrified into ‚ÄòHindustan‚Äô during the…