
This book takes us through one of the deepest and the broadest explorations on Self Inquiry. The quest goes on till we fully realize our Infinite Potential, to the extent that we precisely see we are God.

During this Quest, we would also keep an eye on the Scientific Tracks (both the parallels and the junctions, till the point where Science Surrenders) to draw insights from them and tap into the Cosmic Synchronicities, that Ever-Evolving Scientific Paradigms and the Eternal Spiritual Wisdom, tune in with.

This book systematically demonstrates that to unleash the INFINITE in us, the route of Science falls short, as SCIENCE is bounded by the inherent limitedness in its modality (as declared by SCIENCE itself. And we appreciate this modesty of our mighty Science). But we wouldn’t surrender on our Quest. We would find answers and solace in the INFINITUDE of Timeless Spiritual Wisdom to appease our Intellect and Soul.

The book absorbs us deep with Illustrations, Stories, Case Studies, and Experiments. And entertains our intellect with the battling quotes of the Titans of Science. We would witness how Einstein’s quote – “God doesn’t play dice with the Universe” had to surrender to Niels Bohr’s (Nobel Laureate Quantum Physicist) quote – “Einstein, stop telling God what to do”, and would appreciate how even a genius like Einstein, at times, could go wrong, while we draw insights from them for enriching our Exploration Journey.

Further, through the pages of this book, you would not only get to the root of all the problems, but also to the root of all SOLUTIONs (so that you can lean on your own spine forever, without any external help). But the scheme doesn’t end here…
This book has the potential to elevate you to a state, where problems, in the first place, wouldn’t dare to touch you at all. You would be able to dispel them all in a blow from the basket of existing Realities, once and for all.

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About Author

Prabhakar works with one of the leading Defence firms in India. He has studied Mechanical Engineering at MIT, Manipal, and Executive Management from IIM Calcutta. He is bestowed with a rich experience of over 12 years, working with people and sectors across Defence, Heavy Engineering, Infrastructure, IT, Consulting, and Government Establishments. He is passionate about…




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