
There is no denying the fact that no single authority howsoever exploratory he/she may be can explore all the possible aspects, dimensions and perspectives in a work of art. Research always eludes leaving some unknown and unexplored possible domains and avenues in that discipline of art. It is also imperative to say that much work has been done on Kamala Das and her poetry and a couple of books written on her poetry are also available. Books like Kamala Das and her poetry by a. N. Dwivedi, Kamala Das: a critical spectrum edited by Rajeshwar mittapalli and pier Paolo piciucco, Kamala Das by devindra Kohli, expressive form in the poetry of Kamala Das by anisur Rahman, and endless female hungers by vrinda nabar are written on Kamala dasís poetry. Each of the authors has tried his/her level best to explore something new and unique in his/her surveyed work. But something still evades to be explored. Without minimizing the importance of these works and employing their traverses and explorations, the book in hand is unique in the sense that it explores the new perspectives and new dimensions in the poetry of Kamala Das. She has stormed the stereotypical and hackneyed set-up of the Indian mind and yet, has won both, the regard and the interest of the readers who appreciate her genuine spirit. Being an incorrigible optimistic and outrageous rebel, she dares to shake and break the mirrors and barriers of orthodox social patterns. No reader dislikes her, including those who attack her openness and extravagance of courage and those who criticize her for appearing what she is. Critically speaking, what was rejected and called indecent and insane under a fake faÁade of bourgeois morality and respectability by the previous generation comprising Aurobindo, toru Dutt, Vivekananda, R. N. Tagore and Sarojini Naidu was embraced and hugged by Mrs. Das blurring all traditional and socio-cultural taboos and barriers imposed by hegemonic patriarchy. Along with its new perspectives, this book also examines some select prose works of Kamala Das including My story, a doll for the child prostitute and alphabet of lust, since scanty of attention towards her prose works has been given. Thus, this book is designed for the literary enthusiasts including teachers and the taught, researchers and common readers.

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There is no denying the fact that no single authority howsoever exploratory he/she may be can explore all the possible aspects, dimensions and perspectives in a work of art. Research always eludes leaving some unknown and unexplored possible domains and avenues in that discipline of art. It is also imperative to say that much work…