
“A poem makes you feel what your heart truly longs for.” Loving Love is a collection of poems about love, life, hope, and loss. Each poem is carefully crafted to stir the greatest of all emotions there is – Love. This book is a collection of poems that will brew love and longingness deep in your gut but, most importantly, give you a reason to choose love today and every day! Loving Love is all about love that is found amidst our mundane, ordinary lives only to make living nothing but special. This book chooses to embrace love in its purest form.

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About Author

“A poem makes you feel what your heart truly longs for.” Loving Love is a collection of poems about love, life, hope, and loss. Each poem is carefully crafted to stir the greatest of all emotions there is – Love. This book is a collection of poems that will brew love and longingness deep in…