
Do you feel that despite working very hard, you still don’t earn enough money? Do you believe that you have huge potential but are somehow not able to capitalize on it? Do you feel that you deserve to live a better lifestyle and fulfill your dreams, but money constraints are coming in your way? Do you intend to have multiple streams of income but currently struggling with a single income source? Finally, do you wish to be in the category of the rich and wealthy? If these and similar questions related to money have been bothering you, then this book will help you to dig deeper into the causes of why you are where you are in life. You will be able to identify the root causes of your pain points such as the money blocks, limiting beliefs and self-talk, etc. which resulted in your poor money mindset. You will be able to discover the reasons why you have not been able to grow financially. Once you identify the root causes of your problems, the book will also offer you practical ways to reprogram your mindset about money. Once you learn how to master your money mindset, you will steer your way forward on the path of richness and prosperity.

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About Author

Do you feel that despite working very hard, you still don‚Äôt earn enough money? Do you believe that you have huge potential but are somehow not able to capitalize on it? Do you feel that you deserve to live a better lifestyle and fulfill your dreams, but money constraints are coming in your way? Do…