
In modern computer era we have computerised everything including the medical profession but why we have not updated our Indian judiciary system alone so far into digital model? Even after the Supreme Court of India had set up a special committee and the committee had given its recommendations during the year 2005 itself and the government also spent during 2011-2015 Rs 640 crs for phase I and Rs 1078 crs for computerisation for creating infra for implementation of e-courting system out of total financial outlay of Rs 1630 crs, allocated money for this. But why it had not been fully implemented is the million dollar questions raised by the public?. Whether it is because of self-interest of the Judiciary or the advocates or court administration?, in spite of more than 3.20 crores are pending before all Indian Courts for decades together? Failure of our part to digitalisation of the court cases records and procedure so far the judicial industry is very much affected due to this corona lockdown period. It is a major setback for judiciary since the ìjustice delayed means justice deniedî How long our judiciary will keep silent for not opening the courts due to corona like virus effect., God only knows the fact. Among the four pillars of our Constitution except Judiciary all the three viz.,Government, Administration and Press are being working for 24X7 , but judiciary is closed its office. In order to overcome this situation I bought up this book ìE- Courting and Modernisation of e-judiciary in India ìwhich includes the e- filing procedure before SC & HCs and District courts and SC guidelines regarding the implementation of the e- courting system etc for the benefit of Legal fraternity to switch over immediately in to digital courting and to reduce the pending cases and provide quick justice to our needy poor in time and render them quick justice. Jai Hind.

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In modern computer era we have computerised everything including the medical profession but why we have not updated our Indian judiciary system alone so far into digital model? Even after the Supreme Court of India had set up a special committee and the committee had given its recommendations during the year 2005 itself and the…