
“The world began without man, and it will complete itself without him.” …Cloude Levi Strauss. Winfred Phillips, DSc. said, “You have to be able to fabricate things, you have to be able to analyze things, you have to be able to handle things smaller than ever imagined in ways not done before.” Many researchers believed that in future, scientific devices that are dwarfed by dust mites may one day be capable of grand biomedical miracles. Nano comes from the Greek word for dwarf, usually nanotechnology is defined as the research and development of materials, devices, and systems exhibiting physical, chemical, and biological properties that are different from those found on a larger scale (matter smaller than scale of things like molecules and viruses).

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‚ÄúThe world began without man, and it will complete itself without him.‚Äù ‚ĶCloude Levi Strauss. Winfred Phillips, DSc. said, ‚ÄúYou have to be able to fabricate things, you have to be able to analyze things, you have to be able to handle things smaller than ever imagined in ways not done before.‚Äù Many researchers believed…