
You always wanted to change something around you but never got the courage nor knew the process to do something. Great things never come from comfort zones. We usually stay silent and watch the world go through changes, people going through injustice, animals being ill-treated and the planet being destroyed. And there are times when we contemplate ‚ÄòWouldn‚Äôt it be nice if I could …?‚Äô We have a lot of ideas but don‚Äôt act on them. Ideas that could make the lives of people better, the planet a better place, and that could bring light to the world. There are some people around us who rise to the challenges to do something about such issues. Our Voice: Our stories is an anthology of amazing changemakers who decided to plant the seeds of light for the future. This book is about to illuminate your minds. You are about to be exposed to how the simplest tools on the internet started to change ideas that later became actions. Each of them has a powerful story, and each story has one clear message ‚Äì we all have the power to do something which may change the life of humans around us. Our voices: Our stories displaying the different mindsets, and these real-world examples make for a fascinating read. If you want to learn more about how to achieve it in life, this book will be a great investment in your success.

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About Author

You always wanted to change something around you but never got the courage nor knew the process to do something. Great things never come from comfort zones. We usually stay silent and watch the world go through changes, people going through injustice, animals being ill-treated and the planet being destroyed. And there are times when…