In the small, picturesque town of Santa Monica, a big secret lies buried beneath a facade of tranquility. As a new student named Jessica enters a school, the secret is slowly unveiled. Emma, a somewhat normal high school student, finds nothing out of place about the new student. She befriends the new student, which leads to them forming a close and unbreakable bond. As their friendship gets thicker and the girls become closer, Emma decides to reveal her curse to Jessica. Amidst the escalating suspense, Emma uncovers a shocking revelation that Jessica is not who she says she is. Her true identity is that of a petty but nice witch. Shocked, Emma learns the truth about her curse after all these years. As the stakes rise, Jessica realises that the truth may come at a steep price. With her life hanging in the balance, she must confront the wizard behind the curse, unmasking the true face of the wizard. In a thrilling climax filled with tons of action, Jessica is able to finally reveal the truth to her friend, right before a sad conclusion. Shrouded Secrets is a mesmerising suspense novel that explores the depths of human deceit, the power of secrets, and the lengths one person will go to uncover the truth. Prepare to be captivated by this gripping tale of suspense, where nothing is as it seems.
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About Author
In the small, picturesque town of Santa Monica, a big secret lies buried beneath a facade of tranquility. As a new student named Jessica enters a school, the secret is slowly unveiled. Emma, a somewhat normal high school student, finds nothing out of place about the new student. She befriends the new student, which leads…