
Born under a lucky star and with a Captivating smile, Bella was her father‚Äôs princess. Everything that she desired came to her doorstep in a wink of an eye. Her blessed life became disastrous when someone she adored from the bottom of her heart became a demon of her life. Courageous Bella opted to fight while the vicious circle of her problems was not letting her move on with ease. Baffled, she drove towards the horizon to fetch a solution and smashed her car. An angel came to save her, accompanied in quest of her lost hope. Who was that Angelic figure? How did he help her to recoup her faith in life? Did she come out with flying colors or bowed down before the circumstances? “Sniffles and Smiles” is a heartfelt tale of Bella and Andrew, who would promise to take your heart along with them and would gift you an unforgettable experience of life.

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Born under a lucky star and with a Captivating smile, Bella was her father‚Äôs princess. Everything that she desired came to her doorstep in a wink of an eye. Her blessed life became disastrous when someone she adored from the bottom of her heart became a demon of her life. Courageous Bella opted to fight…