
Kalipada Ghosh, M.A (English),M.A.(Bengali),M.Phil(1st Class),B.Ed. ( Retd. Headmaster), a bi-lingual poet, International Critic, essayist, translator, humanist, orator and educationist has authored 10 Books of Poems in English and Bengali including two in the press, THE WAVES OF HEART and SONGS OF MY SOUL. The main theme of his Poetry is based on Nature, Man, love, world peace, Metaphysics, Spirituality, anti-war,humanity and social issues. His poetry is metaphysical, philosophical, romantic, spiritual as well as realistic. He is the advocate of human rights, humanity and Woman Empowerment. He is also a surrealist poet.

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About Author

Kalipada Ghosh, M.A (English),M.A.(Bengali),M.Phil(1st Class),B.Ed. ( Retd. Headmaster), a bi-lingual poet, International Critic, essayist, translator, humanist, orator and educationist has authored 10 Books of Poems in English and Bengali including two in the press, THE WAVES OF HEART and SONGS OF MY SOUL. The main theme of his Poetry is based on Nature, Man, love,…