
The application of stem cells in regenerative and reparative therapies is ever emerging branch in maxillofacial surgery. Application of stem cells in maxillofacial surgery is vast with the basic principles of repair and regenerative therapy. Stem cells, biomimetic materials, and growth factors have become essential part of many aspects of maxillofacial surgery, the applications range from simple dental regeneration to correction of massive craniofacial defects and to aid in plastic surgeries. Clinical application of stem cells may direct a new era in surgical therapy and therefore understanding the basic biology of stem cells is fundamentally important for surgeons. This book aims to provide a comprehensive literature about stem cell therapy, its engineering, and focuses on its applications in the surgical branch of oral and maxillofacial surgery.

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The application of stem cells in regenerative and reparative therapies is ever emerging branch in maxillofacial surgery. Application of stem cells in maxillofacial surgery is vast with the basic principles of repair and regenerative therapy. Stem cells, biomimetic materials, and growth factors have become essential part of many aspects of maxillofacial surgery, the applications range…