
The Brocken Egg of Legacy is the story of Raghav Sharma, a young eighteen-year-old boy from a well-to-do barrister family. His father is a high court judge, and his grandfather is a retired barrister of the Supreme Court. On his mother‚Äôs side, his cousin is a serving MLA and his uncle is an influential man. Raghav despises his family legacy, his traditions and customs. He decides to leave behind politics and law and choose a different path for himself. He wants to pursue Automotive engineering,but is forced to pursue an additional law degree to keep up with the family legacy. He despises his family name and wishes to achieve something good in his life through his own efforts. Raghav realizes his true potential once he reaches college. He meets Om, Rajveer, Millind, and Aashutosh, all from different backgrounds, who become his friends for life. He leads his team to victory in the college council elections and discovers that he has amazing leadership qualities. He visits Om’s remote tribal village and deftly solves the grass root level problems. This experience makes him grow as a person. In college, Raghav meets the love of his life Aarushi, the most precious and beautiful thing in his life. Aarushi is a senior at his college and the most beautiful girl in college. They both fall in love at first sight, but she comes from a typical marvadi joint family. Her family forbids her from marrying a boy from another caste. As the two love birds struggle to convince her parents, they realize the true meaning of love is setting the other person free, even if means to give up on one‚Äôs own happiness. The schism that arises compels Raghav to rediscover the meaning of life as he tries to find his way in life. He visits his ancestral home, where he discovers that the thing that he despised all his life, his legacy, is a result of great sacrifices made by his forefathers. He finally feels at peace with his roots and accepts and embraces his identity.

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About Author

The Brocken Egg of Legacy is the story of Raghav Sharma, a young eighteen-year-old boy from a well-to-do barrister family. His father is a high court judge, and his grandfather is a retired barrister of the Supreme Court. On his mother‚Äôs side, his cousin is a serving MLA and his uncle is an influential man.…