‚ÄúHow I used the power of the mind to win against cancer and redefine Life‚Äù ‚ÄòThis is a book of secrets, THE INCREDIBLE POWERS OF MIND that I unveiled when I was in the darkest phase of my life. These powers are in a deep slumber within us, an awakening of which, little by little, will unfold before us, our true magnitude of potential, something that has the power to turn the world around us into Midas‚Äô Gold‚Äô Grief, suffering, pain and heartbreak embroil us in and pulls us down. We do not feel like getting up in the morning, we feel defeated & tired, and many a time feel hopeless and find ourselves just striving to live. This is the book that will shine light into your life and help you rise to THRIVE AND LIVE. It offers tried-and-true tips for living a life that will make you say, “Whoa, my Life is Magical!” The Magic in You is a fantastic practical guide that will help you not only comprehend the Law of Attraction’s inner workings but also help you realign yourself in ways that will magnetize you to attract the things you want to create. ‚ÄúThere are hidden truths in here, the secrets that one can unveil when one truly seeks to know the truth of this Universe and Life, and once you know it, the freedom is yours.‚Äù This book will help you to get glimpses of the great truth of how Life and the Universe work and how you can truly become the person you truly desire to become. This book will add years to your life by saving you the time it would otherwise take to get where you want to go. ‚ÄúIt‚Äôs time to be the true You‚Äù -Lisa
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Binding Type | Paperback |
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