
THE HOLY EUCHARIST is a perpetual memorial of our Lordís desire that His sufferings and death for us should ever live in our affectionate remembrance. The Mass is at once a continuation and a commemoration of that supreme sacrifice of love which was consummated for us on Calvary. ìAnd taking bread, He gave thanks, and brake, and gave to them, saying: This is My Body, which is given for you. Do this for a commemoration of Meî (St. Luke xxii, 19). Love of the Mass inspires, or ought to inspire, a deeper and more affectionate study of the Passion and death of our Saviour; and in turn, this deeper and more affectionate study of the Passion and death of our Saviour, intensifies our love and reverence for the Mass.

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THE HOLY EUCHARIST is a perpetual memorial of our Lordís desire that His sufferings and death for us should ever live in our affectionate remembrance. The Mass is at once a continuation and a commemoration of that supreme sacrifice of love which was consummated for us on Calvary. ìAnd taking bread, He gave thanks, and…