
Who else can teach you better than someone who has been in your shoes? I know how it feels to be fat, the need to change but lack the motivation to do so. I know what it’s like to pass up a dress you like because your size isn’t available. I was a spoilt 19-year-old, 90-kg teenage girl who had no concern for her health. I used to eat a lot of junk and sugary food, with little physical activity and an unhealthy daily schedule. This book is about how just by eating well, your life falls into place. Our health , how we look , how we feel matters in every aspect of our life . Just by paying attention to my plate, my daily routine was in line, I started exercising, my sleep quality improved, and everything else followed accordingly. So, this book is about my learnings, what I’ve learnt in this three-year journey and what I’m still learning. As Naval Ravikant once stated, “To write a book, you must first become that book.”

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About Author

Who else can teach you better than someone who has been in your shoes? I know how it feels to be fat, the need to change but lack the motivation to do so. I know what it’s like to pass up a dress you like because your size isn’t available. I was a spoilt 19-year-old,…