
Women have existed since humans arrived on Earth. Then why do women’s rights and where from this concept arise that even today it has not been resolved, to be honest, women are still fighting for their rights and empowerment. This compelled me to think about “Why and What” are these women’s rights. I investigated the histories and previous religions and their directions related to women. Surprisingly, religion and the male-dominated culture generated a situation where women were treated as insignificant creations of God. Unfortunately, it is also propagated that the Quran is also misogynous and women are treated as frivolous beings, deprived of rights and freedom in Islam. I was compelled to read other religions to understand what Quran exceeded then. This book is my comparative analysis in terms of different religions that provided me with a surprising truth that the Quran is not misogynous but rather feminist and not only provides many rights to women sometimes at par with men or sometimes more but never below the men. Quran raised the status of women to a very respectable, prudent and modest figure in the male-dominated society. The book provides knowledge of women‚Äôs rights according to Islam and makes every woman aware of their rights in every field of our male-dominated society. However, this presentation should be limited to the work of analysis only and not to religious rulings or verdicts.

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About Author

Women have existed since humans arrived on Earth. Then why do women’s rights and where from this concept arise that even today it has not been resolved, to be honest, women are still fighting for their rights and empowerment. This compelled me to think about “Why and What” are these women’s rights. I investigated the…