
The story revolves around five couples who meet after six years, post the partition of the State of Andhra Pradesh, into two States of Telangana and Andhra. Now these many years later with a raging pandemic, the couples meet again in the house of their host and hostess who are real estate Moguls. Isolated and cocooned in the sprawling mansion, the couples not only survive the pandemic, but thrive, with one big difference. The realisation that life as they knew it had changed them and those around them forever, these otherwise fun loving people sober up to a new reality and unearth the raison d’etre or the meaning of existence.

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The story revolves around five couples who meet after six years, post the partition of the State of Andhra Pradesh, into two States of Telangana and Andhra. Now these many years later with a raging pandemic, the couples meet again in the house of their host and hostess who are real estate Moguls. Isolated and…