
“The Secret Desire” revolves around Ashmita Sen, a simple girl from Kolkata who always wanted to be an author. Her dad left her when she was born because he never wanted a daughter. She has been a victim of bullying since childhood. Eventually everyone got eliminated from her life. Finally she met Aarav, her love of life. But he left too. But after 1 year she gets to know that someone killed him. One striking truth after Aarav’s death was caught during the investigation. The happiness of her life turned into a suspenseful secret in an instant. Why would someone want to kill Aarav? And who was masquerade one?

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About Author

“The Secret Desire” revolves around Ashmita Sen, a simple girl from Kolkata who always wanted to be an author. Her dad left her when she was born because he never wanted a daughter. She has been a victim of bullying since childhood. Eventually everyone got eliminated from her life. Finally she met Aarav, her love…