
Main characters: 1) Junia: Protagonist. Leader of the Stormwind Aiders. 2) Kaira: second main lead. Daughter of Evak 3) Evak: Dictator of Credia 4) Rayaan: Junia’s elder brother, reaserch student under Aarav. 5) Aarav: Head scientist of Sarak. Junia’s and Rayaan’s father. 6) Juliana: Aarav’s wife. She works as a officer in the prison of Credia. (On intimidation) 7) Krish: Son of Leo 8) Leo: Personal assistant of Darsh 9) Darsh: Dictator of Saztera 10) Noah: President of Sarak. Countries involved: Sarak, Credia and Saztera. What are the Stormwind Aiders? It’s a aiding team consisting of seven members picked by the President, to aid the commeners, solve cases and also protect the people from assailants. They are also trained to fight with scientific weapons. Story outline: Sarak and Credia are mere enemies. The assailants from Credia constantly attacked Sarak. They made their way into the city without crossing the highly guarded borders. This mystery was unsolved. Kaira, Evak’s daughter runs away from home. She was against her father’s evil personality. She ends up in Sarak. One night when the Stormwind Aiders are on their patrolling, they come across a girl (Kaira) being chased by the assailants. The Stormwind Aiders and the assailants get into a duel. The girl (Kaira) saves Junia from a ambush during the duel regardless that she would be hurt. Evak signs a deal with Darsh and they become alliances. Darsh promises Evak to help him defeat Sarak and Evak promises to provide military assistance. Aarav and Rayaan collect a purple sample from a meteor impacted area. They name the space compound as Texaspera. They discover that this compound could make life immortal. However, they keep this discovery confidential. One night, Rayaan goes on a long walk. He spots a suspicious person and follows him. He is lead to a underground tunnel. It was a tunnel that connects Sarak and Credia. The same tunnel that was used by the assailants and Kaira. Rayaan lands up in Credia and is astounded. When he tries to make his way back, he is caught and imprisoned for entering Credia.

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Main characters: 1) Junia: Protagonist. Leader of the Stormwind Aiders. 2) Kaira: second main lead. Daughter of Evak 3) Evak: Dictator of Credia 4) Rayaan: Junia’s elder brother, reaserch student under Aarav. 5) Aarav: Head scientist of Sarak. Junia’s and Rayaan’s father. 6) Juliana: Aarav’s wife. She works as a officer in the prison of…