
King Arrow Head, who lives in the world of “The Tale of Fire,” is endowed with a powerful skill that allows him to summon flames with his very hands. His conceit has no bounds until mother nature steps in and gives him a sobering lesson. But once more, power finds its way to him, this time in the form of a dragon’s gift of flight. With this newfound power, cruelty begins to seep into his heart. An unexpected tutor in the guise of a poor washerman leads him toward a path of genuine wisdom and humility as darkness threatens to swallow him. King Arrow Head’s voyage takes place against a backdrop of magical landscapes in this enthralling story of power, arrogance, and redemption, conveying a timeless message about the unbreakable relationship between people and the forces of nature.

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King Arrow Head, who lives in the world of “The Tale of Fire,” is endowed with a powerful skill that allows him to summon flames with his very hands. His conceit has no bounds until mother nature steps in and gives him a sobering lesson. But once more, power finds its way to him, this…