
Experience this unique love story which gives a reality check to the fairy tale love stories. Sometimes the person you love can become the person you hate the most. Sometimes the person who makes you most happy can be the person who makes you most sad. Sometimes the person you wish to be with forever can be the same person you don’t want to be with. But when you are a special human chosen by universe, the story becomes a lot different than what any other person would experience. You experience two different worlds of love, one the real physical world (3 D) and other, the world of energies (5 D). This journey makes you realise the true magic of universe and you enter in the world of mysteries. You become a part of this for a reason. Based around a true story.

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Experience this unique love story which gives a reality check to the fairy tale love stories. Sometimes the person you love can become the person you hate the most. Sometimes the person who makes you most happy can be the person who makes you most sad. Sometimes the person you wish to be with forever…