
You also would have bought a lot of books, making a resolution that I will start my reading from this day and after reading the first few pages you are like no, I can’t read more. Or You will be thinking that who is going to read the whole 200 pages or 400 pages in this book. I cannot finish this, and also by the time I will finish this book, I will not be able to remember any concepts shared in that book. If it happens to you this book is for you and you only. Welcome fellow readers let’s start reading one book a week i.e., 52 books a year and discover our hidden potential by learning all the secrets of trade of our world of interest and becoming unconquerable. This book is going to be your step-by-step guide to read faster and achieve more in your life and above all, you will become a lifelong learner. That is going to be one incredible feeling, isn’t it, so let’s embark on our journey of leadership and becoming precious.

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You also would have bought a lot of books, making a resolution that I will start my reading from this day and after reading the first few pages you are like no, I can‚Äôt read more. Or You will be thinking that who is going to read the whole 200 pages or 400 pages in…