
Do you ever feel like you live in a gilded cage? Your life is comfortable but you feel disappointed knowing you can do much more. But years of practicing The Law of Attraction and The Law of Vibration simple tools and techniques have helped me attract a life brimming with joy, respect that I longed for, an identity beyond my surname and financial freedom to be able to control my life decisions. Does that sound like the kind of life you’d rather be living? Then this is the book for you. Unlocking the golden cage lays out a 7 step process that any person can follow to the live the life of her dreams, while acknowledging the challenges unique to the married Indian woman. Don’t waste another moment watching life pass by, especially knowing the gifts you have the world needs. Let my seven steps lead you to the freedom and joy to deserve.

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About Author

Do you ever feel like you live in a gilded cage? Your life is comfortable but you feel disappointed knowing you can do much more. But years of practicing The Law of Attraction and The Law of Vibration simple tools and techniques have helped me attract a life brimming with joy, respect that I longed…